Canadian Forests maple leaf

Industry Associations

Directory of Forest Industry Associations in Canada

Alberta Forest Products Association - Established in 1942, the Alberta Forest Products Association represents 63 lumber, panelboard, pulp and paper and secondary manufacturing companies in the province with annual sales approaching $4.0 billion.

British Columbia Forest Safety Council was created in September 2004 as a not-for-profit society dedicated to promoting forest safety in the sector. It includes all of the major forestry organizations and is fully supported by WorkSafeBC and the government of British Columbia.

BC Log & Timber Building Industry Association (LTBI). - This is the official website of the BC Log & Timber Building Industry Association, containing photo galleries of our member companies, links to their sites, as well as industry-specific info on Occupational Health and Safety.

BC Wood is a not-for-profit association dedicated to growing British Columbia's value-added wood-products industry. Established in 1989, BC Wood provides member companies with programs and services to develop and expand their markets and increase productivity and sales.

Canadian Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association (CHPVA) has as its purpose to protect the interests and conserve the rights of those involved in the manufacture and distribution of hardwood veneer and plywood in Canada and their suppliers.

Canadian Wood Council is the national association representing manufacturers of Canadian wood products used in construction. We enable the selling of Canadian wood products through programs and services focused on creating market access and demand.

Canadian Wood Truss Association - The Canadian Wood Truss Association (CWTA) is a national body representing metal plate connected wood truss and structural wood component manufacturers.

The Christmas Tree Growers' Association of Ontario welcomes you. We invite you to browse a variety of real Christmas tree information. Our site will be updated on a regular basis so visit us often ... you're always welcome!

The Composite Panel Association represents North American producers of particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and other compatible products.

Le Conseil de l’industrie forestière du Québec (CIFQ) résulte du regroupement des activités detrois associations : l’Association des industries forestières du Québec (AIFQ), l’Association des manufacturiers de bois de sciage du Québec (AMBSQ) et l'Association de déroulage et sciage de feuillus du Québec (ADSFQ). Le CIFQ devient ainsi le porte-parole principal de l’industrie forestière du Québec. Il est appelé à représenter la très grande majorité des entreprises de sciage résineux et feuillus, de déroulage, de pâtes et papiers et de panneaux.

Council of Forest Industries The Council of Forest Industries (COFI) is a British Columbia based forest industry trade association representing approximately 130 forest companies and several forest industry trade associations. COFI's mandate on behalf of its members is to create a climate for consistent, healthy, economic performance of the forest industry.

Forest NB is the voice of New Brunswick's forest and forest industry. We represent core contributors to the forestry sector by serving as a common voice in relations with government and the public. One of our main duties is to raise public awareness of sustainable forest management practices and provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and issues facing the sector and local communities.

Forest Products Association of Canada - FPAC provides a voice for Canada’s wood, pulp and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. Canada’s forest products industry is a $73.6 billion dollar a year industry that represents 2% of Canada’s GDP. Canada’s forest industry operates in more than 600 forest-dependent communities from coast to coast, and directly employs 230,000 Canadians across the country.

Forest Stewardship Council - Canada is an international non-profit organization founded in 1993 to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. FSC certification is internationally recognized.

Interior Lumber Manufacturers' Association - An association representing the interests of forest companies operating in the southern interior of British Columbia, in the areas of quality control, forest policy, communication and education.

International Log Builders' Association - Founded in 1974, the International Log Builders’ Association is a worldwide organization dedicated to furthering the craft of handcrafted and milled log building, the advancement of log builders and to the promotion of the highest standards within the trade.

Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) is a provincial trade association representing companies engaged in forest management in Ontario, as well as those that manufacture pulp, paper, paperboard, lumber, panelboard, plywood and veneer.

Ontario Woodlot Association, is a non-profit, volunteer organization which promotes the wise and profitable use of Ontario's private land forest resources. Currently we have 800 members.dedicated to the wise and profitable use of Ontario's private land forest resource.

Quebec Maple Syrup Producers' Federation - As a collective unit of more than 11 000 independent producers, Quebec Maple Syrup Producers' Federation was set up to create a common bank of resources and to establish effective methods for quality control and conservation.

Timiskaming Forest Alliance Inc. - In October of 1994, members of Timiskaming's forest industry broke tradition when they put aside their competing interests on the land base and united to negotiate a New Business Relationship with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR).

Western Fallers Association is the official voice of the Independent/ Contract Faller in the province of British Columbia. The WFA is giving its members strong representation with the Workers Compensation Board, the Licensees, Truck Loggers Association, Interior Loggers Association, Central Interior Loggers Association, Northwest Loggers Association, Steelworkers Union and Provincial Government with many areas of concern we have as owner/operator fallers.

The Western Red Cedar Lumber Association is a non-profit trade association representing quality producers of western red cedar. Participating Members have access to a powerful marketing, promotional and educational program, exclusive product standards and marketing trademarks.

Western Wood Truss Association of British Columbia - Organized in 1973, the Western Wood Truss Association of British Columbia (WWTABC) is an association of manufacturers actively engaged in the production of metal gusset plated wood trusses and individuals or firms engaged in related activities.

Western Wood Truss Fabricators Association serves the needs of manufacturers of prefabricated wood trusses by representation on various committees of recognized organizations dealing with building codes and standards.represents the common interests of its' members and promotes the use of wood trusses in residential, commercial and agricultural structures.

Woodlot Association of Alberta (WAA) is a non-profit organization lead by a volunteer board of directors. The goal of our organization is to promote leadership in sustainable forest management by increasing awareness of the forest's inherent social, economic and environmental values through education and advocacy groups.

Wood WORKS! - A program of the Canadian Wood Council, our goal is to promote the use of wood and wood products in construction projects, and to acknowledge the contribution of wood-use advocates and industry leaders.

Workplace Safety North is an independent not-for-profit health and safety organization, funded by a portion of the premiums our member workplaces pay to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Our members are companies in Ontario's mining, forestry, paper, printing and converting sectors.